The real reason, of course, is that Piranha Bytes were appealing to the masochistic tendencies of Gothic fans by making them run the entire rigmarole of the 'zErO tO hErO' routine that the first game actually justified.
#Gothic 2 gold edition review how to
Now, fans of this game, who are much more patient and better men than I, will tell you that it's because of muscular atrophy, or because he lost all his memory of how to fight (but not any of his knowledge, which is weird because muscle memory is far more enduring). Your character, who was God-killingly strong at the end of Gothic 1, is reduced to a wimp who could be beaten and looted by a five-year-old child, all from a mere three weeks of sleep. Now, I play a lot of RPGs, so I don't mind formulaic plots, but the gameplay-story integration in this game is its Achilles heel. The second thing I advise you to do is to uninstall this piece of shit and play a better game. The controls are slightly changed from Gothic 1 so they're even worse, so the first thing I advise you to do is to rebind the keys to get to a more Gothic-1-y control scheme. what gameplay? Every quest consists of you talking to an NPC who tells you to talk to another NPC, who tells you to talk to another NPC, until you grow sick and tired and quit and go smoke a cigarette, and wonder how much of your life this shit game is going to waste before it gives you a crumb of progress. You can barely see where the fuck you are in forested areas, the already-terrible combat hobbles you further because of the camera clipping into some background object leaving you blind, and there's an awfully weird disparity between the quality of the environments and the character models. The graphics are largely the same as Gothic 1, though curiously the marginal increase in detail has affected the game negatively. It's a completely hollow experience, so unless you enjoy running errands and playing bellboy for every rude prick you come across, so much that you want to do it even while 'relaxing', this is the game for you. There is no point in becoming overpowered in Gothic II, no reward, because by the time you do, you have already overcome every tedious stumbling block the game threw at you that would have made you want to get stronger. If anything, it reduced my appreciation of its predecessor as well, because I realized that the only reason the first game had become fun for me was because I broke it and became overpowered very early into the story. All I know is that it's aged like fucking shit. This is one of the most miserable games I've had the displeasure of playing in a long time. 5h 48m ProgressUnlike its predecessor, Gothic II no longer has the excuse of innovation to excuse its terrible pacing, awful gameplay and mediocre story.